Did you know that playing with rabbit toys actually improves the quality of your pet bunnies life?
According to the RSPCA, it’s important for rabbits to play with toys because it keeps them happy and healthy.
They say:
Toys are important to your rabbits’ health and happiness as they encourage your pets to perform natural behaviours such as digging, jumping, chewing and chin rubbing.
That’s good news, because my little fluff monster, Ron (see below), loves playing with rabbit toys!
So let’s take a look at the best rabbit toys available to keep our little monsters both happy and healthy.
Here’s a picture of Ron sitting in one of his favourite rabbit toys (the left ear of that chew toy has already gone).
Table of Contents
- Types of Healthy Rabbit Toys
- What About Chin Rubbing?
- Digging Rabbit Toys
- Hay Mat
- Soft Pet Fleece Blanket
- Jumping Rabbit Toys
- Raw Wooden Platform
- Agility Jump Toy
- Carrot Cottage
- Chewing Rabbit Toys
- Rosewood Chew Maze
- Carrot Chew Toy
- Hay Forage Cube Treat
- Carrot Cottage (again)
- Rosewood Activity Tree
- Treat Maze
- Chew Tube
- Corn Rattle Rollers
- Wooden Hayrack
- BONUS: Tunnel / Hiding Rabbit Toys
- Rosewood Activity Tunnel
- Willow Bridge
- Woven Play Tunnel
- Our Verdict
- Willow Bridge
- Rosewood Activity Tunnel
- Carrot Cottage
- What About You?
Types of Healthy Rabbit Toys
From the RSPCA advice above, healthy rabbit toys should have the goal to encourage our little fluff monsters to do 4 behaviours that come naturally to them:
- Digging
- Jumping
- Chewing
- Chin Rubbing
However, only the first three of these natural behaviours (digging, jumping and chewing) have specific rabbit toys.
What About Chin Rubbing?
There are no specific rabbit toys on the market right now that are aimed at encouraging your bunny to chin rub, but you can bet ALL the rabbit toys will get chin-rubbed at some time or another.
Why? Because your pet bunny is making sure you know it’s theirs! “THIS IS MINE, HOOMAN!”, they’re saying. Ron, does this all the time – even with the rabbit toys he doesn’t play with that much.
ANYWAY, let’s dive right into the rabbit toys that encourage digging.
Digging Rabbit Toys
Rabbits love digging and my boy Ron is no exception. He loves digging whenever on whatever he can; blankets, couches – you name it. If the little monster wants attention he’ll dig on my jumper or t-shirt too.
It’s a good job he’s cute!
Rabbit toys that encourage digging are a great substitute for your couch (and your jumpers).
Hay Mat

Amazon Rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars based on 577 reviews.
This hay mat is made up of 100% natural materials (water hyacinth and rattan) and contains absolutely no glue or any other harmful materials.
My bunnies still haven’t decided whether they prefer to nibble this and scratch away to keep their claws trim or if going to the toilet on it is what they prefer.
I’m not worried either way! I now own two (one for each bunny) and my more active girl chews on it, it and plays with it whilst my sedate boy loves to sit on it and avoid the colder patio, often using it as his litter area.
A cheap but useful addition to add a little more enjoyment to your bunnies life; whatever purpose they may decide for it!
Soft Pet Fleece Blanket

Amazon Rating: 3.8 out of 5 stars based on 94 reviews.
It’s clear from the picture that these blankets are made for cats and dogs BUT they are great for digging bunnies too.
We bought one for my boy Ron after we found him digging up our expensive blankets and he loves it. He also loves licking it and rubbing his chin all over it (of course he does). Despite a few nibble holes here and there, he still loves playing it and it’s lasted him quite a while.
One reviewer has found another use for it too – they use this blanket to line their rabbit’s cage:
I used these to line part of my rabbit cage to ensure they had something nice and soft to sleep on. Didn’t realise how big each blanket would be which was great! It means I can have them on rotation when washing them which works really well for me. Seem to be nice and soft and good quality, haven’t washed them yet so cannot comment on that.
Jumping Rabbit Toys
Your little monster probably already jumps on a whole variety of things, from plant pots to couches and everything in between.
There are also a couple of rabbit toys out there that encourage your bunnies natural instinct to leap great heights.
Raw Wooden Platform

Amazon Rating: 2.9 stars out of 5 based on 88 reviews.
Made with a 100% natural wood, this rabbit toy is good for your little fluffers to gnaw on much like the other rabbit toys in the chew section of this article, but this toy is also good to encourage bunnies to jump.
However, as you can tell by the rating not all buyers of this rabbit toy are impressed by it.
I’ve bought two of these and both fell apart relatively quickly. They are poorly constructed. I would avoid buying this brand in future.
But other buyers love it. According to one buyer review:
I love this little table for my rabbit, she loves it! It helps her get on top of her larger box. It’s stronger than I thought it would be. It doesn’t move much or topple as she jumps on and off it quickly she can still have her mad moments without hurting her self. Just love it. Will buy her another when this is done.
Great Platform for my Bunnies to hop onto and have a good look around, plus they also go sleepies under them 😃 Would definitely recommend.
Agility Jump Toy

Amazon Rating: 3.6 out of 5 stars based on 13 customer reviews.
This rabbit toy looks like a riot, but I think the chances of getting my boy Ron to jump over it are slim. He’s more likely to chew it or throw it across the room. STILL, that doesn’t mean your little fluffer won’t hurl themselves over it – especially if they’re well-trained!
One reviewer confirmed my thoughts about getting this rabbit toy for Ron:
This is great! Puts together easily, you can make it any size you want. And my favourite feature, is that it comes sort easily and can be packed away without taking up any space. My rabbits are still unsure about hopping over it but it sure is funny to watch them grab the posts to move them out the way. A bit more training I think.
Another reviewer is having slightly better luck with it:
My bunny (Beau) loves this it’s so easy to set up and it’s nice and colourful too. It comes with 12 small tubes and has connectors to make them longer.
Carrot Cottage
I mention this carrot Cottage rabbit toy in a bit more detail later in the chewing rabbit toys section, but it’s also worth a mentioning it’s also a great jumping toy for Rabbits to play with.
And I know, because we bought this for Ron and he jumps on top of the thing more than he goes inside it. He absolutely loves it and your little fluff monster will too.

Chewing Rabbit Toys
Chewing rabbit toys are great toys for destructive rabbits because they give our little fluff monsters something safe (and less valuable) to sink their teeth into.
For example, we’ve cared for a number of rabbits over the years and all of them have enjoyed chewing the wooden frame of my wife’s expensive Papasan Chair. In the exact same spot too – it’s a bunny territory thing (and because it’s expensive, it’s also really tasty).
However, over the last couple of months, Ron has stopped chewing it completely. Why? Because we bought him more chewing rabbit toys to keep him busy. His new chewing rabbit toys keep him both occupied and satisfied and so he doesn’t feel the need to eat expensive wooden chairs anymore.
He still rubs his chin on that sacred spot to make it absolutely clear that it’s still his though. You know, just in case we forget or another bunny should happen to invade his territory or anything.
The little monkey.
ANYWAY, let’s take a look at some of the chewing rabbit toys we’ve come across so far.
Rosewood Chew Maze

This Chew Maze by Rosewood is a perfect chew toy to keep your little fluff monster entertained. It not only makes getting treats fun for them, but gives them something a little extra to nibble one – something that isn’t furniture and is totally safe for bunnies to consume.
Carrot Chew Toy

Granted, a lot of rabbits out there don’t like carrots nearly as much as Bugs Bunny cartoons would have you believe, but this nifty little chew toy gives your pet rabbit something both safe and tasty to chew on.
Some benefits for this toy are:
- Made of loofah and is therefore non-toxic and totally environmentally friendly.
- Brightly coloured to easily attract the attention of your little monster.
- Will improve your rabbit’s dental health.
Amazon Rating: 3.6 out of 5 stars based on 4 reviews.
It should be noted that 3 out 4 of these reviews gave the product 5 stars. The last review gave it 1 star because their rabbit didn’t like it as much as they hoped it would.
One positive reviewer said:
It keeps her busy for hours,grabs it and tosses it around like a cat playing with yarn.It also exercising for my cute rabbit.
Hay Forage Cube Treat

Amazon Rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars based on 159 reviews.
Wow. That’s a great rating for so many reviews and it’s no coincidence that this rabbit toy is actually an Amazon Choice product, which means they love it and are pushing it for their rabbit toys market.
Some of the product details include:
- A fun and healthy hay coated rabbit treat.
- It’s filled with meadow hay and marigold flowers.
- Has heart-shaped opening for your little fluff monster to get at the tasty goodness inside.
One positive reviewer said:
WOW!! I have a Netherland Dwarf and a Dwarf Lop and they’ve gone bonkers for these cubes, they’re on their 3rd now!, they love gnawing the grassy coating off first then they both make a joint effort of getting really stuck in like their life depends on it! they’ve both quite taken to ‘wearing’ them as they cram their heads right in and just continue to shuffle around in that mad manner! so I would definitely recommend these! very good value even if just for peace and sheer entertainment!!
Carrot Cottage (again)

Amazon Rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars based on 387 reviews.
Again, a fantastic rating based on the number of reviews and another rabbit toy recommended by Amazon.
My boy Ron has one of these and loves it. Because he’s a Netherlands Dwarf, he can get inside the cottage and hide which bigger bunnies might not necessarily be able to do,
Carrot Cottage is edible on the inside and out and is made up mostly of meadow hay, with dried carrot covering the roof.
If your bunny can fit inside of the cottage, it’s a fantastic chew toy for them because they can hide inside and chew in safety.
One reviewer who also purchased this for their pet rabbit said:
My bunny absolutely loves this! This is the second one we buy, and will keep on buying. You can see that the product is all natural, no glue around! Is made of a simple card box, with hay on the walls and a carrot top. This keeps my bunny entertained while we are out for work, he eats this until is completely gone. He hides in it, sleeps in and on top of it, nibbles on it, he absolutely loves it. It lasts way longer than any other toy we have purchased.
Rosewood Activity Tree

Amazon Rating: 4 out of 5 stars based on 145 reviews.
It’s still a pretty decent rating based on the number of reviews, but based on experience I can understand why (more on that later).
The rabbit toy is made out of safe materials such as seagrass and cornleaf and is made with pet safe dyes and non-toxic glue.
Despite the product description declaring the glue safe, there have been a number of negative reviews regarding the glue on the product.
One reviewer said:
Says ‘ made from pet safe materials’ in the description yet as my bunnies started gnawing on it, they revealed alot of glue. Looks great, but unsafe.
Whereas another reviewer had a more positive experience with the product:
Build quality is fantastic and our bunny loves nibbling on it. A very good boredom breaker for younger rabbits with high energy levels. Our older rabbit ignores it complete.
This is a product that we’ve bought Ron in the past and I have mixed reviews.
No, we didn’t experience the levels of glue mentioned in some of the reviews for the product, but the toy didn’t last long. I guess that’s kind of a good sign as Ron absolutely loved it, but it was destroyed quite quickly.
Treat Maze

Amazon Rating: 3.9 out of 5 stars based on 18 reviews.
This looks like a great rabbit toy to promote chewing activity in your little fluff monsters.
The Treat Maze is basically hay-coated parchment tube, moulded into rings to hold your bunny’s food. The toy comes with a mixture of dried carrot and marigold petals and also packets of grain-free herb and veg drops for you to fill the tubes with and make your little fluffer work for their nomz.
Once the food that comes with the maze has been well and truly nommed, the tubs can be re-filled with your own rabbit treats – assuming the tubes are still there by the time the food is gone.
If your bunny is anything like Ron, then the hay-covered tubes would be the first thing to go. It’s easier to get at the treats that way.
Reading some of the reviews, this rabbit toy may be a bit small for bigger rabbits but might be perfect for smaller breeds or younger bunnies.
One reviewer gave it 3 stars but said:
I only ordered this yesterday and I’ve received it already! I’m disappointed at how small it is. I did think it would be a little bit bigger. It’s for my rabbit’s ‘gotcha day’ so he’s not had it yet, can’t comment on how well they’ve enjoyed it. I’ll update. Other than fast delivery, I’m not too impressed. We’ll see what he thinks. Update. Bunnies loved it! It’s something that’ll last several days, going by today.
However, this rabbit toy has a 55% share of 5 stars in its reviews and one of the more recent reviewers said:
My little Rocky isn’t often interested in chewing anything other than the carpet and phone chargers, but she’s very much enjoying this 🙂 I was surprised that it comes pre-filled with treats (I had to remove most of them and will give her them over a month or two because there was quite a lot). I love filling the different pots with herbs etc for her … The only problem is that she can’t get her nose into the taller pots so they’re for taller herbs only. A great way to make breakfast last a bit longer for her. I definitely recommend for rabbits, although you know what they’re like – a treat for one rabbit is boring to another!
Chew Tube

Amazon Rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars.
This Chew Tube is made up of thick vegetable parchment and comes in a variety of bright colours, made as such to attract the attention of our little fluff monsters.
According to one reviewer, the tube is wide enough to fit large rabbits and can withstand heavy chewing:
Very sturdy even through being chewed! The purple/red tunnel fits both of my very large rabbits perfectly (probably even small cats) and it still going strong through months worth of chewing. I have also attached a photo of my beautiful Yogi modelling the smaller tunnel to show the size comparison. The blue/green tunnel is perfect sized for guinea pigs/rats/ferrets. The larger tunnel would be perfect for rabbits/chinchillas. My guinea pigs love to chew this and they have remained strong. I was very shocked by this as they’re cardboard, would definitely recommend for anybody looking for a cheap but fun tunnel/toy for your small pets.
Corn Rattle Rollers

Amazon Rating: 3.9 out of 5 stars based on 144 reviews.
This rabbit toy is made out of cornleaf, pet-safe dyes and non-toxic glue and allows your little fluff monster to both safely chew the toy and to throw it around too.
My boy Ron absolutely LOVES rabbit toys like this; the ends always get nibbled off first and then he throws around both his cage and our living room. Then more of it gets nibbled off and then the throwing begins again.
One reviewer of the rabbit toy isn’t much of a fan:
Toy comes apart very easily
This happens a lot with this type of chew toy, especially ones little fluff monsters love, so if you do purchase a rabbit toy like this just be aware it might not last long with eager bunnies.
Another reviewer liked the rabbit toy:
My 2 rabbits are addicted to chewing and throwing these around their room. Really brings a bit of joy to my day seeing them having so much fun. Great for money as well.
Wooden Hayrack

Amazon Rating: 4 out of 5 stars based on 214 reviews.
This Wooden Hayrack is made out 100% natural wood and is perfect to improve the health your Rabbits teeth. It also provides great entertainment for your little fluff monster to have to climb, gnaw and jump up to retrieve hay.
We have one of these fixed in Ron’s cage and he LOVES it. He likes grabbing the hay and pulling clumps of it down to nom, but equally, likes to rest his front paws on it and stretch out. Also, he often likes to jump on it to have an easier time eating the hay inside.
However, this toy may only be suitable for small rabbits (Ron’s a netherlands dwarf), as one reviewer says:
Very small.. Not great for bunnies, the metal bars are way too close together for bunnies to get the hay through, the outer wood part strips off, making it easy for bunny to eat which I’m not 100% happy about in case it is not safe! probably okay if you have very small animals such as rats/mice but wouldn’t recommend for rabbits.
However, another reviewer has a different opinion:
Perfect for our rabbit, he loves to get the hay from the top more than from the bars, but that’s ok and probably just him being silly. He loves to nibble on the wood and is much rather that than he nibble and gnaw on plastic.
BONUS: Tunnel / Hiding Rabbit Toys
I know at the start of the article I said there are 3 types of rabbit toys available, but the truth is there’s a fourth kind of toy that benefits bunnies that’s not on the RSPCA list: tunnel and hiding rabbit toys.
In the wild, rabbits live in underground burrows which often comprise of a series of tunnels. Tunnel rabbit toys can be a great substitute for that and every bunny I’ve ever owned have loved their tunnel toys.
Rosewood Activity Tunnel

Amazon Rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars based on 363 reviews.
Suitable for outdoor or indoor use, this polyester play tunnel comes with velcro fabric tabs so multiple tunnels can be connected together to make your bunnies playtime even more fun.
My boy Ron has a number of these tunnels and he LOVES them. He does zoomies through them, hides from us in them and especially loves rubbing his chin on the velcro.
However, one of the best things he loves about the tunnels is the dangling string ties that are there to tie the tunnels together. He chewed them off within five minutes of us putting the tunnels out for the first time, so take this as a warning: make sure the string ties are tied back!
Also, trying to put these tunnels away without these string ties is an absolute nightmare. Whenever I try to put them away, it always looks a bit like Mr Bean trying to wrestle a Boa Constrictor.
ANYWAY, Ron isn’t the only fluff monster who loves these play tunnels. According to one reviewer:
Strangely very appealing to my rabbit. Moving from A to B was never so much fun apparently. Pausing to look through the halfway hole is also crucial too.
Willow Bridge

Amazon Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars based on 110 customer ratings.
This rabbit toy is technically a bridge, BUT rabbits do love to hide underneath this and chew on it. The bridge is also sturdy enough for bunnies to jump on top of it to chew it too, so it’s a 3 in 1 rabbit toy:
- They can chew it.
- It’s a tunnel for you bunnies to hide in.
- They can jump on it.
You get great value for money with this rabbit toy.
One reviewer says their rabbits absolutely LOVE this toy:
Absolutely amazing. Even trying to measure and visualise the size didn’t prepare me for when they arrived! I have bought several wooden bridges over the years for my rabbits after being chewed too much or the weather had got the better of them.
I ordered two for each side of my shed (it’s spit into two for each of my rabbits) and planned to have them inside the shed but they’re so huge I put them in the runs instead! My large rabbit Donny is loving darting out of his shed and straight through it. With the others he’s had he has had to squeeze down a bit to get under but this new one is just perfect for him! And my medium sized bun thinks it’s a castle!
I don’t usually write reviews but I just had to for these because I’m actually thrilled with them. I know, thrilled over some bendy bits of wood! But they have made my rabbits happy which makes me happy.
Woven Play Tunnel

Amazon Rating: 5 out of 5 stars based on 10 customer reviews.
This jumbo play tunnel is fun for all rabbits and because it’s made out of 100% natural materials, using no glue or metal it’s totally safe for your little fluffers to chew on too.
One reviewer says:
Great sturdy tube – my rabbits like to go through it and sometimes chew a bit but they never seem to eat it so the tube has lasted at least a month now. It’s made well, they can even hop onto it although it’s round so they would slip off. It is jumbo size, big enough to fit my 10 month mini lop. It would be big enough for a larger rabbit. So adorable to see their heads like out of the hole.
Our Verdict
All of these rabbit toys are great for your little fluff monster (or they wouldn’t even be listed in this article), but I think it’s obvious from the ratings and reviews that I think some of these rabbit toys stand out from the others.
Willow Bridge

The first recommendation from us is the Willow Bridge rabbit toy because it’s a 3 in 1 toy. It’s great for rabbits to chew on, jump on and hide in and your bunnies will absolutely LOVE playing with this rabbit toy.
It helps that the rabbit toy has a great Amazon rating, as well as being 100% safe, sturdy and reasonably durable too.
Essentially, you’ll be getting great value for money if you buy this rabbit toy.
Rosewood Activity Tunnel

The second recommendation for the perfect healthy rabbit toy is the Rosewood Activity Tunnel.
Rabbits LOVE this rabbit toy and it will keep your little fluff monster occupied and happy for hours on end. Also, it’s extendable. You can buy more of these tunnels and connect them together if you wish.
Carrot Cottage

The Carrot Cottage is great and much like the Willow Bridge, it’s a very versatile healthy rabbit toy. Bunnies can chew on it, jump on it and hide inside it.
Plus, a 4.3 out of 5 rating for 387 reviews on Amazon is proof if nothing else that this is a quality rabbit toy that the majority of people who’ve bought it, love it and think it’s worth buying.
What About You?
Do you have any rabbit toys not on our list that you and your little fluff monster love? We’d love to hear about it! Connect with the BunnyLowdown on Facebook and get in touch!